The USCG CFR 46 Subchapter M require the Towing Vessel Operators to have a Certificate of Inspection. A Towing Vessel Operator may develop a Towing Safety Management System (TSMS) or utilize the services of USCG directly for getting the compliance with Subchapter M. We offer comprehensive services to accomplish the compliance with Subchapter M regulations.
Our team is committed to provide collective solutions for assisting the Vessel Operators with respect to audits, inspection and documentation. Our Team is dedicated to provide optimum solutions to the Vessel Owners so that the compliance towards the standards is achieved in a cost effective manner. Our approach is to find multiple solutions towards a problem and identify the best suitable one. Our surveyors are strategically located in the United States and have access to the Engineering Approval
division. We coordinate surveys & Inspections effectively. All our surveyors are committed to manage the projects in the timely manner.
The classification process for the vessels comprises:
- Surveys at the time of construction, entry into class, and modifications to ensure that the vessel meets the criteria stipulated by the rules
- Appraisal of the design during and after construction
- Issuance of a ‘Certificate of Classification’ and entering of the vessel’s particulars into the society’s Register of Ships
- Periodical surveys as stipulated by the rules to ensure continued maintenance of conditions of classifications
- Additional surveys as deemed necessary in view of damages, reported poor condition of the vessel by port state control authorities, etc.

Verification of documents related to TSMS
We have a team of experienced Marine Auditors who can assist the Vessel Operators in carrying out extensive review of documents. The purpose of the review is to identify the gaps against the requirements of CFR 46 Subchapter M. Our auditors shall have interactive sessions with the Vessel Operators to identify the most feasible and economically viable solutions towards the compliance.
Generally, this exercise is carried out well in advance for maintaining an effective safety system across the organization and the vessels under their fleet group. This shall also ensure that the audit process would be streamlined and the compliance is established and maintained.
Conducting TSMS Audits of the Vessel Operators and Vessels
Our Auditors are committed to ensure that an effective Safety Management System is in place with all our clients. Our procedures for auditing Towing Safety Management System are rigorous and unbiased results are presented to the Vessel Operator. This will assist the Operator in ensuring that the system for maintaining the TSMS and the safety standards of the vessels are continuously monitored and maintained.
Annual Survey, Internal Structure Examination, Dry-docking, Underwater Inspection
The surveyors are accessible and available to carry out periodical surveys at a short notice. The Towing Vessel Operators shall have an uninterrupted communication line with INTLREG, so that the surveys and inspections are organized and concluded effectively. Our surveyors have uninterrupted access to Engineering Team at our Technical Head Office to resolve any complex issues which may arise during the survey process.