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ISM Code: Regulatory Update at a glance

ISM Code: Regulatory Update at a glance

The ISM Code in its mandatory form was adopted in 1993 by resolution A.741(18) and entered into force on 1 July 1998. Since then, revised Guidelines were adopted by resolution A.913(22) in  2001, and subsequently by resolution A.1022(26) , adopted in December 2009, resolution A.1071(28) in December 2013, and revised Guidelines adopted by resolution A.1118(30) with effect from 6 December 2017.


Provisions relevant to SOLAS chapter IX and the ISM Code

  • Revised guidelines for the operational implementation of the International Safety Management (ISM) Code by companies (MSC-MEPC.7/Circ.8),
  • Guidance on the qualifications, training and experience necessary for undertaking the role of the designated person under the provisions of the ISM Code (MSC‑FAL.7/Cir.6),
  • Guidance on near-miss reporting (MSC-MEPC.7/Circ.7), Guidelines on maritime cyber risk management (MSC-FAL.1/Circ.3)
  • Maritime cyber risk management in safety management systems (resolution MSC.428(98)).


MSC 81/17/1 – Independent Export Group Report: Role of the Human Element – Assessment of the impact and effectiveness of implementation of the ISM Code