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IMO Regulatory Update – 33rd Session

IMO Regulatory Update – 33rd Session

The IMO Assembly met for its 33rd session from 27 November – 6 December 2023. For the first time, plenary sessions of the Assembly were live- streamed* to the public.

Strategic Plan

The Assembly adopted the Strategic Plan for the six-year period 2024 to 2029. The eight strategic directions are:

SD 1: Ensure implementation of IMO instruments supported by capacity development
SD 2: Integrate new, emerging and advancing technologies in the regulatory framework
SD 3: Respond to climate change and reduce greenhouse gas emissions from international shipping
SD 4: Continue to engage in ocean governance
SD 5: Enhance global facilitation, supply chain resilience and security of international trade
SD 6: Address the human element
SD 7: Ensure the regulatory effectiveness of international shipping
SD 8: Ensure organizational effectiveness

ORIGINAL SOURCE:,-33rd-session,-27-November—6-December-2023-.aspx