INTLREG Paris MOU Performance Ranking
INTLREG is recognized by 37 flag administrations including Barbados, Palau, Panama and St Kitts for issuance of statutory certificates. Recently, INTIREG has also obtained an approval from United States Coast Guard (USCG) as an authorized Classification Society under Title 46, Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 2.45 while reporting 0 detentions recorded during past few years of USCG annual report.
Today we are proud to announce that INTLREG has tremendous improvement in performance ranking listed in the regional report of European Union Port State Control. The company has moved up to the top half of medium performance rank in Paris MOU based on the number of inspections performed versus detentions occurred within the past 3 years of their recorded activities. During the 3-year Paris MoU reporting period 2019-2021 INTLREG received an overall excess factor of 0.27.
With its dedication to the customers’ support and continues performance’ quality improvement INTLREG has also shown good performance results recorded in other recent regional PSC statistical reports.
INTLREG Management has already put relevant plans forward for further improvement of company’s performance ranking.
We always strive to serve our customers at best possible quality.