Highlights of Gross Tonnage Growth
INTLREG has demonstrated remarkable resilience and consistent performance, achieving a stable gross tonnage (GT) growth of 6.4% annually over the past three years. This sustained growth underscores the organization’s commitment to delivering exceptional maritime classification services and meeting the evolving needs of its global clients.
The steady increase in GT reflects INTLREG’s ability to adapt to industry demands, secure new partnerships, and retain the trust of existing clients. This growth has been driven by its expanding global network, innovative solutions, and a steadfast focus on safety and compliance.
The 6.4% annual GT growth is a testament to INTLREG’s strategic vision, operational excellence, and market leadership. It highlights the organization’s role as a trusted partner for shipowners and operators, consistently adding value to their operations. Moving forward, INTLREG remains focused on further strengthening its global presence and advancing sustainable growth in the maritime sector.
INTLREG 展现了非凡的韧性和稳定的业绩,在过去三年中实现了年均 6.4% 的稳定总吨位(GT)增长。这一持续增长彰显了公司致力于提供卓越海事分类服务并满足全球客户不断变化需求的承诺。
GT 的稳步增长反映了 INTLREG 应对行业需求、建立新合作伙伴关系以及维持现有客户信任的能力。这一增长得益于公司不断扩展的全球网络、创新解决方案以及对安全与合规的坚定关注。
年均 6.4% 的 GT 增长是 INTLREG 战略愿景、卓越运营和市场领导力的有力证明。这一成就突显了其作为船东和运营商值得信赖的合作伙伴的角色,不断为客户的运营增值。展望未来,INTLREG 将继续加强其全球影响力,推动海事行业的可持续增长。